keep more of what you earn - we can help you.
The major areas of services are :
- Assessment and Diagnostic services
- Psychotherapy Services
- Marital and Family Therapy
- Life Skills Training programs
Patients are referred from many areas of the Hospital for counselling, psychotherapy and other psychological and behavioural interventions. Psychological treatment services encompass a wide range of modalities including:
- Psychotherapy and Counselling
- Behavioural intervention
- Marital counselling
- Psychiatric intervention(Medication & Rehabilitation)
- Drud De-addition
- Sex Therapy
- Video Conferencing
- Telephonic Counselling
- HIV/AIDS Counselling
Special emphasis is placed on helping individuals recover from or cope with psychiatric or medical illness.
This includes remediation of problems using psychological techniques and principles for all kinds of Mental Health related issues & problems.
Intensive psychotherapy and counselling involving various psychotherapeutic procedures like Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Psycho Analysis (Freudian School), Rational Emotive Therapy, Client Centered Therapy, Humanitarian Therapy, Eclectic Approach, Logotherapy, Habitual Training, Thought Stopping, Motivation enhancement training, Relapse prevention, Activity scheduling, Life style training, Relaxation therapy, Autogenic training, Respiratory relief, Correspondence training (Behavioral contract),Token economy program, Family therapy, Role reversal & Role play, Rehearsal, Modeling, Distraction, Graded task assignments, Psycho education, Anger control therapy, Assertiveness training, Covert Sensitization, Assisted Covert Sensitization, and Group therapy etc.
For children with Behaviour Problems; and Individuals with Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Headache, Migraine, Marital Counselling, Psychosomatic conditions, Unexplained aches/pains/palpitations, Anger Management, Mood Swings, Memory Problems, Stress, Mental Illness, Emotional Problems, in need of Deaddiction, Counselling and Sex Therapy.
Attended By: Dr. Sarang Dhar, Dr. Anil Gaur.
Special Services For Child
- Mental Retardation
- Learning Disorder :
- a. Reading Disorder
- b. Mathematics Disorder
- c. Disorders of Written Expression
- Motor Skills Disorders: Developmental Coordination
- Expressive Language
- Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder
- Phonological
- Stuttering and Communication Disorder
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders:
- a. Rett's Disorder
- b. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
- c. Asperger's Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders
- Disruptive Behavior Disorder:
- a. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- b. Conduct Disorders
- Feeding and Eating Disorders:
- a. Pica
- b. Rumination Disorder and Feeling Disorder
- Separation Anxiety Disorder
- Selective Mutism
- Reactive Attachment Disorder
- Stereotypic Monement Disorder
- Mood Disorders
- Schizophrenia with Childhood Onset
- Personality Disorder
This involves giving educational and therapeutic programs for children with special needs through making Individualized Education Program (IEP) to help them learn various tasks of daily living, academics, communication, self-direction, recreation, vocation etc. This helps to improve the rate of development, attention & concentration and academic performance of children with poor academic performance, forgetfulness, slow-learning or associated conditions of learning-backwardness due to problems in understanding, reading, writing or memorizing. For instance, children with Mental Retardation, Slow Learning, Epilepsy (seizures), Autism, Learning Disability (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Down-Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Illness, CVA and other associated conditions.
Attended By : Dr. Y.A.K. Joseph
Behind every successful goal achievement is proper skills development. The realization of any goal comes as a result of developing the right skills to succeed in it. Skill development is crucial and can’t be stressed enough. If you skip the stage of skill acquisition, you risk not fully accomplishing your goal. No matter how accomplished you are now, you’ll always be able to achieve greater results by enlarging and enriching your skills. The parameters of what you can achieve at Purdue are defined by the skills you have. By mastering and expanding your skills, you will increase the results you can achieve.
Attended By : Dr. Aviral Saxena
Early Intervention Services are individualized care and training program (which includes stimulation program in Occupational Therapy), which helps a child have a faster rate of development and prevents secondary handicaps. For instance, children having increased biological risks or with established development delays, disability and deviations.
Occupational therapy (OT) treatment focuses on helping people with a physical, sensory, or cognitive disability be as independent as possible in all areas of their lives. OT can help kids with various needs improve their cognitive, physical, sensory, and motor skills and enhance their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.
Attended By : Dr. Netal Singh
Speech and language therapy provides life-changing treatment, support and care for children and adults who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing.
The goal of speech therapy is to help children become clear confident communicators so that they can:
1. Become fully engaged in school and benefit from the curriculum.2. Develop self help skills and independence for activities of daily living.
3. Actively participate in life experiences.
4. Build healthy social relationships.
Children’s ability to communicate is directly correlated with their ability to achieve success in whatever they pursue.
Attended By : Dr. Sanjay Kumar
For Children/Students
- Academic problems and Learning related disorders like Dyslexia/Learning Disability.
- Hyperactivity, Weak Attention & Concentration skills (ADHD), Very Naughty/Mischievous/Destructive and Restless Child.
- Behavior Problems- like being aggressive, stubborn, adamant, answering back, disobedience, Temper Tantrums and hitting other school kids.
- Adjustment problems- like stealing, lying, having relations with opposite sex, keeping bad company, spending more, talking too long over phone, showing off and other related adolescent adjustment issues.
- Emotional problems- like exam phobia, refusal to attend school, psychogenic aches/ pains/ headaches/ stomachaches/ fits/ seizures, psychogenic stammering, anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, bed wetting, thumb sucking, nail biting and other conditions like involuntary body movements of eyes/neck/facial muscles etc.
- IQ Testing & Aptitude Testing
- Development assessment of Speech & Physical growth/DQ assessment
- AUTISM- Remaining self preoccupied/inability to speak properly according to age.
Attended By : Dr. Sarang Dhar
For Adults
- Depression (Negative Thinking)
- Anxiety, Restlessness, Panic Attacks
- Mood swings, Irritability, Anger/Aggression Issues
- OCD- Repeatedly getting same thought/s, repeated washing or checking.
- Tendencies of being excessively emotional towards events/situations/others.
- Stress/ Tension/ Restlessness/Indecisiveness/Emotional & Adjustment problems.
- Marital Problems, Family Communication & Relationships Problems.
- Problems in Sexual Relationships- Requiring Sexual Counselling & Therapy
- Sexual Development, Deviation, Identity and Adjustment Problems.
- Aggression, Impulsivity, Anger Management Problem, High Risk Taking Behaviour.
- Relationships issues related problems and concerns.- Like fear of rejection, failure in love relationship, Peer pressure etc.
- Personality Problems.
- Memory, Concentration, Decision Making & Time Management related problems.
- Work Related Problems like: Public Speaking, Leadership ability, Motivation level, Interpersonal relationship, Inability to express self work performance capabilities etc.
- Unexplained aches & pains, stammering - Somatoform Disorders.
- Dissatisfaction and Unhappiness with life.
Attended By :Mrs. Pooja Agrawal
For Corporate Organizations
- Leadership Ability Skills/Leadership Training Program.
- Public Speaking/Enhancing Presentation Making Skills.
- Memory, Concentration & Time Management related problems.
- Inability to express self’s work performance capabilities.
- Confidence Building.
- Decision Making/Judgement Skills.
- Better Interpersonal Relationships Management.
- Initiative Taking Ability.
- Stress Management
- Tension/ Restlessness/Indecisiveness/Emotional problems.
- Supervisory Qualities.
- Motivation Level/Job Satisfaction.
- Depression (Negative Thinking).
- Anxiety, Restlessness.
- Mood swings, Irritability, Anger/Aggression Issues.
- Tendencies of being excessively emotional towards events/situations/others.
- Marital Problems, Family Communication & Relationships Problems.
- Aggression, Impulsivity, Anger Management Problem, High Risk Taking Behaviour.
- Relationships issues related problems and concerns.- Like fear of rejection, failure in love relationship, Peer pressure etc.
- Personality Problems.
- Unexplained aches & pains, stammering - Somatoform Disorders.
- OCD- Repeatedly getting same thought/s, repeated washing or checking.
- Dissatisfaction and Unhappiness with life.
Attended By : Dr. Firdos Jahan
The Career Guidance Unit is intended primarily to assist students in their career planning and provides information that helps the students to give a direction to their aspirations and interests. The CGPU believes in timely counseling and arrange training sessions that enhances the students to compete with the best challenges in Industry. Career counseling programs are undertaken periodically by the placement coordinator to guide the students. Interactive sessions by the eminent persons in respective fields are conducted regularly.
Personality development grooms an individual and helps him make a mark of his/her own. Individuals need to have a style of their own for others to follow them. Do not blindly copy others.
Personality development goes a long way in reducing stress and conflicts. It encourages individuals to look at the brighter sides of life. Face even the worst situations with a smile.
Personality development helps you develop a positive attitude in life. An individual with a negative attitude finds a problem in every situation. Rather than cribbing and criticizing people around, analyze the whole situation and try to find an appropriate solution for the same.
Personality development helps an individual to inculcate positive qualities like punctuality, flexible attitude, willingness to learn, friendly nature, eagerness to help others and so on.
Attended By : Mr. Manoj Madnani